10 Key Benefits of Enrolling Your Child at Nursery

Nursery presents an opportunity for children to gain a head start on their education and learning while also picking up valuable life lessons and communication skills which will continue to prove invaluable when they start school.

Published on July 24, 2023

Not only is a great nursery centred around learning and development, but it’s also a lot of fun – as evidenced by the varied and immersive curriculum that’s constantly being expanded across the My Ohana nursery sites.

With that said, what are the key benefits of enrolling your child at one of our My Ohana nurseries?

1. We celebrate individuality

The My Ohana ethos is built on our acceptance of children from all backgrounds, with our nurseries aimed at welcoming and nurturing all individual personalities, lifestyles, and mindsets.

A big part of this lies in our pricing strategy and access to funding (subject to Government guidelines), with the My Ohana team working to provide excellent childcare which is affordable. Reach out to your local nursery directly to discuss fees and funding.

2. We connect their mind, body, and world across the curriculum

Education forms an important part of the nursery experience… but so does communication, socialisation, and creativity. That’s why every activity that we offer at a My Ohana nursery is directly connected with each child’s ‘wholebeing’.

By this, we mean that the activities we offer encourage critical and creative thinking, physical activity, and an understanding and respect for the world around them. We truly believe that these elements come together so that our happy children turn into can-do adults!

3. Connecting learning with play

This one is simple. One of the biggest benefits of sending your child to nursery is the access to learning and education in a fun and immersive environment led by childcare extraordinaires with experience in engaging children through play. 

4. Wholesome, balanced meals and rolling snacks

Not only do all of our nursery settings provide wholesome and healthy meals and snacks throughout the day, but we also strive to engage children in food preparation as much as possible in order to nurture healthy habits and instil an early interest in the origin and use of different ingredients.

5. Our curriculum is inspired by the everyday

Taking inspiration from the everyday is a major part of our curriculum and activity schedule, be it drawing the flowers in our nursery gardens, baking seasonal treats, or celebrating national and international days of note with special visitors and days out.

By finding wonder and excitement in everything, we nurture children who are creative thinkers.

We take the children’s home life and interests into consideration and plan activities around what is going on in the outside world as well as within our homes! This ensures that children are adapting and thriving to changes in their world, such as preparation for school, new siblings, pets or even moving house.

6. A child-led ethos from day one

Putting the power of development in the hands of your child may sound like a daunting prospect, but here at My Ohana, we have developed a curriculum which operated on a child-led basis from day one. With an incredibly versatile approach to everyday routines and curriculums, we love that a child-led ethos means that plans can (and often do) change on a rolling basis – however, it’s this flexibility which makes for well-rounded, engaged, and interactive individuals.

7. We carve out time for important touchpoints

Despite the largely child-led routine upheld across all our My Ohana nurseries, there are some touchpoints in the day which are non-negotiable. One of these is small group time with the children’s key person, which helps children develop a sense of community and encourages them to think for themselves and find ways of communicating their thoughts with others around them.

Often one of the more peaceful parts of the day, it can offer quality time and familiarity, and we often include myHappymind activities to further support our little ones’ mental health.

8. Keeping parents connected

Parents are kept in the loop throughout the nursery day by the ParentZone app, through which updates are shared about each individual child’s activities and interactions. In addition to this, parents are invited to termly 1:1 sessions with their child’s key person and are welcome to pop in at any time to discuss specific topics.

9. Safety first

Safety is a massive part of any parent’s research when it comes to identifying the right nursery for them and their child. Here at My Ohana, we have a comprehensive safety policy which covers accidents and emergencies, safeguarding, and more – including what to do if you are running late for drop-off or pick-up. Full details can be found here on our website.

10. A team of childcare extraordinaires

One of the most important, but often underrated benefits of enrolling your child at nursery is the daily access to childcare professionals, who are not only excellent at what they do but who are passionate about supporting children as they navigate the early stages of development and education.

Here at My Ohana, all of our nursery staff offer exceptional levels of care and are full of life, love, and character as they celebrate individuality and constantly find creative ways of engaging children in important discussions and playful activities.

Find out more about your local My Ohana nursery on our website, or get in touch to learn more about enrolling.


We’ve been shortlisted for ‘Nursery Group Under 10 Settings’ in the National Day Nursery Awards 2022

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