Are your settings registered?

Yes, all of our nursery settings are on the Ofsted Compulsory Register and all have been rated as Good, Good with Outstanding features, or Outstanding.

Our English crèches are on the Voluntary Register, meaning they get compliance visits but are not graded.   

Our Wales crèche is registered with The Care Inspectorate Wales

Our Scottish crèches are registered with The Scottish Care Inspectorate

Our Irishcrèches are requested with The Belfast Trust and Tusla

Whether on the compulsory or voluntary register makes no difference to us as we set the bar high and work to the same standards in all of our settings; whether your child is with us full time care or for one hour; they are extremely important and we feel privileged to be trusted to care and provide for your child. We don’t wait for inspections, we frequently inspect and audit our settings and ensure our policies are not only compliant but more importantly are implemented and work in practice for our colleagues. 

What is the adult to child ratios?

We work to the following ratios, 1 adult to 3 babies (3 months to 2 years) 1 adult to 4 toddlers (2 – 3 years) and 1 adult to 8 pre-schoolers (3 – 5 years).  

Do all colleagues have background checks?

Yes, depending on where our colleagues work depend on the checks. 

In England and Wales, all colleagues hold a full DBS check and are required to join the update service allowing us to check their records regularly. 

In Scotland, all colleagues hold a full PVG and are members of the SSSC

In Northern Ireland, all colleagues hold a full Access NI Check

In Southern Ireland, all colleagues hold a full Gards check

Are all colleagues qualified?

At least 50% of our teams at each setting are qualified to Level 2 or above. Those who are not qualified all have previous experience of caring for children either in a setting our looking after their own, or are studying towards their qualification.

We’ve been shortlisted for ‘Nursery Group Under 10 Settings’ in the National Day Nursery Awards 2022

Registered Company No: 2841130