Engaging Parents: Opportunities for Involvement in Nursery Activities

Parents and guardians form a huge part of a child’s day at nursery. Not only are they dropped off and picked up by a parent or guardian, but they bring home new experiences and things they have learned during the day.

Published on May 13, 2024

From scientific experiments to reading and writing through play, the My Ohana nursery curriculum is based on developing children’s early education.

And if there’s one thing we know, it’s that parents love hearing about what their child has done and learned - creating a link between their day at nursery and the parent.

What’s more, parents will often come into the nursery to share their skills and experiences, whether it’s reading with the children or introducing children to different jobs and lifestyles. We are always keen to open the floor and a nursery session to parents who work in active and immersive jobs, from nursing to fire fighting, inspiring and teaching the children about the opportunities available to them. 

But how can parents who aren’t available for these sessions get involved in nursery activities? And what are some of the other ways that My Ohana specifically seeks to engage parents throughout the nursery day?

The Role of Parent-Nursery Interaction

The best and most obvious place to start is with the ParentZone app, which keeps parents in the loop regarding their child’s day, routine, and any achievements or issues experienced on any given day.

The app is a place through which to touch base, find out what your child ate or engaged with that day, and any issues that need addressing.

It is also an app through which parents can ask questions and recognise achievements, as well as identify areas in which their child might need further support at home.

Which leads us into perhaps the most important form of engagement that we ask all parents for as a reputable and caring nursery

Why education and play are so important at home and in nursery

If children are to develop the skills that we need them to develop at nursery in order to thrive in a school setting, they need to experience some degree of consistency across the nursery setting and their home life.

This doesn’t have to mean structured learning, but it can and should include activities at home which support what they are doing at nursery. Reading, writing practice, and the continuation of healthy food habits are all good things to focus on at home, in support of your child’s progress at nursery.

Increase family participation at nursery

Aside from supporting what the child is learning at nursery in their home environment, parents and extended family members can also get involved with our calendar of events.

From open day events to showcases of things that the children have been learning, as a nursery we recognise our role in making these events as accessible as we can – while giving children the consistency of routine that they need.

Regular parent and nursery key person meetings and catch-ups are similarly scheduled in line with parents’ needs, while our open door policy means that parents can chat to us at any time during pick up or drop off if they need to.

Family participation isn’t just about knowing what your child is doing, though. It’s just as much about your child seeing you engaged with their nursery, the workers behind their nursery activities, and the things that they do on a daily basis. If they see you engaged and excited, then they will mimic these emotions themselves.

Other opportunities for involvement at nursery

Aside from regular catch ups, attending organised events, and supporting your child’s learning at home to ensure consistency in their routine, there are plenty of other opportunities for engagement that we urge parents to look into and consider.

These include:

·        Taking the time at drop off and pick up to look at artwork and other things produced by the children, showing interest and enthusiasm

·        Getting to know other parents and the parents of your child’s friends, and facilitating play dates etc

·        Be flexible if volunteer opportunities arise and try to step in if you can. This isn’t just a good opportunity to show your face at the nursery but will also give you an insight into how your child behaves and engages at nursery

The most developed and confident children tend to be those who receive support both at home and at nursery, and who see consistency in the levels of support and learning across both of these settings.

Find out more about how you can support your child’s growth and development by reaching out to a member of their My Ohana nursery team. Or, if you’re still considering the right nursery for your child, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to learn more about places and availability. 


We’ve been shortlisted for ‘Nursery Group Under 10 Settings’ in the National Day Nursery Awards 2022

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